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Now that your group has identified areas that can be made better in your community, it is time to make a difference! Whether you are choosing to make your community greener, healthier, or a safer place to live, getting involved is important!

Step 2 Activities

As part of the B the Change Patch Step 2,
please complete both Activities below. 
Be creative.


Activity 3 - Think About How to Solve the Problem

Choose one of the problems that your group identified – how can you improve the situation or make it better? Create a chart/poster to help define the problems and/or obstacles, including how to improve the situation or find a solution.


Activity 4 - Do Good in your Community

Now that your group has identified a problem in the community – take action! For example, you can partner with a local pet store to hold a pet food drive to support your local animal shelter, participate in a local Walk-A-Thon to help support a medical or community need, or collect clothing and other household items to donate to a local thrift store. Any small action you take can have a big impact on your community. Don’t forget to share your good work on social media using #BTheChangePatch after you get your parent’s permission.

Make yourself a list for future Take Action and Service Projects.

Activity 4 Applied to Unite for Earth Day 2022 - 

Let's do a Spring Clean-up at the Orono Nature Center

After the cold weather, the Orono Nature Center is in need of a Spring Clean-up.  Our community uses it for classes, activities, sports, and leisure.  Some areas we could do for cleanup during Unite for Earth Day 2022 include:


• Pick up trash

• Clear pathways of debris and brush

• Tighten bolts and ropes on benches and railings

• Pick up downed limbs, but leave the ones animals may use

• Stack appropriate limbs/sticks for using during classes for shelters

• Stack firewood for the firepit at the learning circle

• Remove invasive Buckthorn plants

• Appropriately clear areas for viewing and observation areas

• Adults may carefully remove dangerous limbs which could fall on people & animals


2022 Part 2, Step 2: B Involved: Projects

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Orono, Minnesota

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