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Unite for Earth Day 2021

Our 2021 event was a combination of events.


We hosted an online event via Zoom and this Website

on Monday, April 19, 2021 from 6:30 to 7:30pm.  Participants of the online event qualified to earn the Free Cabot Creamery Pollinator Patch. 


We also had the Orono Nature Center and Pavilion reserved from 2:30 to 8:30 pm.  Troops/Dens/Crews/Patrols that wanted to reserve a time slot and area of the Nature Center to do some conservation/clean-up did.  We followed MN Safe, BSA, and GS restrictions on Safe Scouting during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Groups were limited to 15 people maximum wearing face masks and social distancing.

We invite Orono & Westonka Scouts, Volunteers, Families, & Friends to complete this year's program with us and celebrate the 51st Anniversary of Earth Day through "Unite for Earth Day 2021".  The theme was "Restore Our Earth". 


For participants that are a part of local Westonka & Orono scout groups, we have Pollinator Patches and goodies to distributed through Scout groups when we receive the patch submissions.  If, you are part of a scouting group outside of our local area, you are welcome to utilize our online resources and then order your patches and treats from Cabot yourself.  If you do submit for your own patches, please send us feedback, so we know others have used this site to go through our program.

"When life around the globe returns to normal, our world cannot return to business-as-usual.

Our global community has been shocked by the largest global crisis in a generation. COVID-19 has shown us the necessity of thinking ahead, but the next crises are already on their way. Climate change, species loss, pandemics and massive natural disasters might define the future — unless we do something now. We have the solutions, both natural and technological… we just need the will."-


Use our website to walk through our updated Unite for Earth Day 2021 program.  Go through the Education portions of our program, complete some individual items for the patch, and do some At Home Conservation.  

The last part of the program is submitting information and photos of projects & conservation activities to our website to qualify to receive patches & goodies provided by Cabot Creamery.

Unite for Earth Day 2021

Coming Together Online for Pollinator Education and At-Home Conservation

If you missed our Zoom Session, you are welcome to walk through the steps of our Unite for Earth Day 2021 program on your own or with your group.  


Part 1: Earth Day 2021 Message

Part 2: Pollinator Patch Program

Part 3: At-Home Conservation

Part 4: Submit Responses and Photos for Patch

Part 5: Patches & Goodies will be distributed to Troop/Pack Leaders following Unite for Earth Day 2021.



Part 1: Earth Day 2021 Message

The theme for Earth Day 2021 is Restore Our Earth


Part 2: Pollinator Patch Program

Earn this Free Patch from Cabot Creamery.


Part 3: At-Home Conservation

Get outside and do some conservation clean up and/or projects in & around your home.


Part 4: Submit Responses and Photos for Patches



Part 5: Patches & Goodies will be distributed to Troop/Pack Leaders following Unite for Earth Day 2021.

Submit the form for your patch and treats.

2021 Program: Programs

Subscribe Form

Thanks for submitting!

Orono, Minnesota

©2022 by Unite for Earth Day. Proudly created with

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