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Part 2: Small Steps Toward Sustainability


The Small Steps Toward Sustainability Patch from Cabot Creamery Co-Operative encourages youth to make small changes toward a more sustainable home and community by becoming more involved in local efforts.


Learning Objectives for
the Small Steps Toward Sustainability Patch:

When I have earned this patch, I will...

• Understand what sustainability is and how it can help to make my community healthier.
• Understand why energy conservation is important and how I can save energy around my home.
• Understand ways I can reuse items rather than throwing them out.
• Understand which items are recyclable and how I can recycle in my own home and school.
• Take steps toward a more sustainable future.


If you are interested at looking at the full requirements for this Patch can be found at the

Continue on this page and our website to go through the steps as we planned them for our Unite for Earth Day 2020 event.


Cabot Creamery Co-Operative

Cabot is owned by 800 farm families throughout New York & New England.

They manage four plants in three states, employing over 1,000 people, who make the best dairy products on the planet. Award-winning cheeses made with love and pride in Cabot and Middlebury, Vermont and Chateaugay, NY. The best premium butter churned with care in West Springfield, Massachusetts. And in Cabot, they're also making light cheddars, flavored cheddars and rich Greek-Style Yogurt, cottage cheese and sour cream. Your purchases mean the world to our future.

Agri-Mark products are sold under these brands:
Agrimark Whey and Dairy Protein Logo    Mccadam

Many New York Farm Families co-operatively own Cabot & McCadam Cheese, and all the milk that goes through our Chateaugay Plant in New York comes from those New York dairy farms.  

We honor your purchases with our commitment to honor quality and collaboration among Cooperative Programs, Stewards and our Farmers. Meet the farmers who are the Agri-mark Board of Directors.​

The farm families that own Cabot Creamery Co-operative love what they do. And they’ve been doing it for a long time—every single day since 1919. Now 100 years later, we’re proud of our thriving farms, strong communities, and happy, healthy cows that produce the rich, buttery milk that we use to make Cabot’s award-winning cheese and dairy products. We like to think those awards mean we’re doing something right. Of course, you’re a big part of this too. If you love eating our cheese as much as we love making it, then we’ll get to keep doing what we do for generations to come. 
We’re in this together—and we’re grateful for your support.


Cabot Creamery on Sustainability

Cabot Creamery is a leader in sustainable farming practices in the dairy industry. This is a fun, educational animation that illustrates their story in a visual way.


Video found at

(Runtime: 2m 13s)


Steps to Earning Your Sustainability Patch:

Step 1 - Learn About Sustainability
Step 2 - Reduce
Step 3 - Reuse
Step 4 - Recycle
Step 5 - Next Steps

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Orono, Minnesota

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